The Fiestas of Sant Antoni & Sant Sebastian: A week of traditional celebrations in Palma de Mallorca

The Fiestas of Sant Antoni & Sant Sebastian in Palma de Mallorca


January is a busy month for Palma de Mallorca, with Saint Anthony’s day on 17th of January and Saint Sebastian following shortly after, on 20th January.

St. Sebastian is the patron saint of Palma de Mallorca

He became the patron saint of Palma de Mallorca in 1524 when a relic –a bone from the arm of the saint– arrived from Rhodes by boat, bringing a miraculous end to the current plague. The relic is now in Palma Cathedral.

Palma de Mallorca dedicates a full week to Saint Sebastian festivities in Palma de Mallorca, combining the Saint Anthony’s blessings on 16th of January, numerous free open air music concerts, exhibitions, parades.
